
Gas – DRP under rule 237(6) Notice – Template

This notice is a template for the request under rule 237(6) for the Adviser to establish a Dispute Resolution Panel in accordance with rule 135HD of the National Gas Rules.

Dispute Management System guide from AEMO

A guide to the Dispute Management System provided by AEMO

Alternative dispute resolution guide from NADRAC

Providing advice on alternative dispute resolution (ADR) issues and policy to Australian Government agencies. Created by NADRAC, formerly an advisory group to the Attorney General on dispute resolution.

Mediation – A Practical Outline

A guide written by Sir Laurence Street.

Margaret Halsmith AM: “Sir Laurence is a pioneer in mediation. His Practical Outline is a succinct, brief and highly readable booklet that distills the complexity of mediation for a broad audience. Mediation participants, their personal support people and their professional support people all find Practical Outline to be relevant reading because while on the surface it describes the process of mediation, implicitly it conveys the beliefs, the values and the principles of mediation.”